Butternut Squash

Health benefits of Butternut Squash

  1. It is Antioxidant/li>
  2. It is rich in Beta Carotene
  3. It strengthens the immune system
  4. It regulates blood sugar levels
  5. It improves elimination of mucus
  6. It is used in slimming diets
  7. It helps to prevent Cancer
  8. It aids digestion
  9. High content of potassium

Butternut Squash

Originally from Southern Asia, it is mentioned in several ancient texts and it is known that it was also being cultivated by the Hebrews and the Egyptians.Its consumption spread from Asia to Central America, and from there, it arrived as far south as the north of this continent. However, it wasn’t until the 15th century when the Spanish introduced the squash to Europe, where it spread to a greater extent to those countries with a warmer climate. The scientific name of the butternut variety is "Cucurbita Moschata”. The Butternut squash, also known as moscada, is one of the so called winter squashes. Its fine, smooth peel has a light brown colour. Inside, the flesh is yellow in colour and is firm, sweet and juicy with high water content.

Producto disponible todo el año.

Nutritional values per 100 grams

  • Fibra - 1,5g
  • Potasio - 223mg
  • Magnesio - 13mg
  • Calcio - 27mg
  • Vitamina C - 14mg
  • Calorías 27,3
  • Hidratos de carbono - 5,4g
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