
Health benefits of Cherry

  1. It is a porwerful Antioxidant.
  2. It improves skin
  3. It improves nails and hair quality.
  4. It reduces the risk of developing diabetes.
  5. It is good for digestion.
  6. It regulates sleep cycle.
  7. It prevents memory loss.
  8. It has a Low sugar level.
  9. It reduces muscle pain.


From the plum family, its origin appears to date back from the Greek colony of Kerasos, on the Black Sea coast.It was brought to Rome by the Roman general Lucolo, and from there it spread across the entire Roman Empire. It then reached Europe due to the emigration of people as well as the migration of birds, which are great consumers of cherries due to their colour and delicious flavour.The size of the fruit can range from 22mm to 28mm. It is round, heart-shaped and symmetrical with a medium-large stalk and a medium sized stone.The medium thick skin can range from a spectrum of intense red to a dark red wine colour, depending on the variety. A range of bright colours cover the surface of the skin in equal measures.The fruit is very sweet with an exquisite taste. It has high sugar content as well as a good acidic content.

Product available from the beginning of May until the end of July.

Nutritional values per 100 grams

  • Fiber - 2,1g
  • Potassium - 222mg
  • Magnesium - 11mg
  • Calcium - 13mg
  • Vitamin C - 7mg
  • Calories 60
  • Carbohydrates - 16,1g
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